Grace Klein

Grace Klein



Grace wanted to be a comedian from the very first time she got her family to laugh when she was a kid. It only took her a couple more decades to bring it to the stage, but once she started, she couldn't stop. Grace brings her own spin to subjects like being single in your 30's, not understanding church terms or young people, and being stuck in a health crazed-hiking-Cross-Fitting-kale eating-Fitbit wearing-society that she is too gluten, dairy, and peanut tolerant to fit into.

She started as an improv comedian before transitioning into stand-up. "I had been writing down ideas and jokes for years, pages and pages full of them. And then one day I looked through them all and thought, ‘this is stand-up material'. Granted, most of the jokes weren't good, but stand-up comedy was really the only avenue for delivering them."

Grace travels around as much as possible, but currently resides in San Diego, CA, even though she prefers flannel over designer clothes and still doesn't understand why avocado toast costs $5.99 when it's really just guac on bread. She prides herself most on the amount of times she's been told she has "potential, but…." and how much better she looks with an Instagram crema filter.



