Jack Assadourian Mexican Armenian Tour

March 27

Jack Assadourian Mexican Armenian Tour

To guarantee seats, tickets must be purchased online. Tickets are available at the door unless we are sold out.


  Select show for prices and showtimes


As the son of comedy club owners, Jack essentially grew up in the comedy scene, and over the years made the transition from spectator to on-stage performer. Over the last few years he has delved into the acting and writing world and has moved his way up the ladder to find himself traveling across the country to feature for the likes of Jeff Garcia, Brandon T. Jackson and Damon Wayans Jr.

You've heard Jack on LOL Network with Kevin Hart, The Church with Joey Diaz, and About Last Night with Adam Ray. You've seen him on Amazon, Epix, and Tru TV. He was also a semi-finalist on Stand Up NBC.

Today, he can be found headlining in clubs across the country as he continues his journey up the comedy totem pole.




